a gold yellow background, the words Inside Knowledge for people with IBS, a small simplified sketch of a gut, and photo of Anna Mapson, a white woman smiling, with short cropped grey hair and a quiff, wearing glasses and a black top.

IBS Podcast

The Inside Knowledge Podcast for people with IBS

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with IBS or a long-time sufferer, the Inside Knowledge on IBS nutrition and lifestyle will help. Each episode is around 20 mins, no waffle, just full of useful IBS diet strategies.

The aim of the podcast is Better digestion for everyone. 

Anna Mapson, podcast host

Inside Knowledge for people with IBS

Listen to the intro trailer here or wherever you get your podcasts.

I’m excited to have been included as a Top UK Nutrition podcast by Feedspot

Gold medal saying Top UK Nutrition Podcast Feedspot.

Latest Episodes

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Are you breathing properly? Did you know how you breathe can actually impact on your digestion? This might all sound a bit far fetched, but actually the way we take air into our body and out of our body is a result of how we’re feeling and can actually influence how we’re feeling. IBS is a stress sensitive disorder, but knowing that doesn’t help you manage it unless you know some ways to bring your stress levels down.
In this episode of the Inside Knowledge podcast, I’ll run through some techniques for better breathing to help calm your digestion so you can reduce down your symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain and erratic bowel movements.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.47 – Causes of IBS

If you’re like most of my clients, you’re probably desperate to find the real cause of your IBS. What kicked all of this trouble off? Was it something you ate? Was it something you did? In reality, there is no one cause or often we can’t find the specific cause. But in this episode of the Inside Knowledge podcast, I’m going to run through some common causes of IBS that I go through with my clients to try and identify what your specific problems might be because each root cause will give you different triggers and a different experience of IBS.
This episode will all be about how some of those root causes interlink and how you can address IBS.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.46 – Protein essentials for people with IBS

When my clients first start working with me, they all complete a diet diary to explain to me what they eat, and one of the aspects I look at is their macronutrient content. Are they eating enough protein, enough carbs, and fats? Some people with IBS find protein really difficult to digest, that it just sits heavy in the Stomach and leaves them feeling really sluggish.
Other people with IBS might find protein their only safe food because there is no fibre in protein. In this episode of the Inside Knowledge Podcast, I’ll be explaining how much protein you should be eating, how to work that out, and also how to make protein digestion easier, so you can enjoy more foods.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.45 – Bloating – IBS podcast

Do you undo your waistband every evening by 7pm because of significant bloating? If you do, you’re not alone. Bloating is one of the most common issues that I work with. I’ve had clients who’ve had such significant bloating they’ve had to remove their bra after lunch because the bloating was pushing in their upper abdomen.
I’ve also worked with somebody whose bloating gave them palpitations because their swollen digestive tract was increasing pressure on their heart. In this episode of the Inside Knowledge podcast, I’ll share tips on what to avoid eating, doing, and wearing to beat the bloat. I’ll also share some ideas to help if you’re in the midst of a flare up, so you can have more evenings without undoing your waistband.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.44 – Cravings

Why is it so hard to resist your cravings, especially when you’re trying to start a new healthy way of eating? Whether you’re dieting to try and lose weight, or you’re just trying to cut down on snack foods and increase your vegetables, those cravings can really creep in. In this episode of the Inside Knowledge Podcast, you’ll learn What is a craving and why do we need those special foods that we crave?
What’s the link between diet and gut health and also how to reduce the occurrence of these cravings as well as what to do when a craving really hits you? You’ll also hear some examples interspersed throughout today’s episode of how I’ve worked with clients who asked for help with their cravings.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.43 – ARFID in IBS – IBS podcast

Would you like to try and eat more foods, but your fear of the digestive consequences of vomiting or choking or just bloating is so strong you cannot try them? Maybe you are Are you scared to eat new foods or foods that you haven’t prepared yourself in your own home? It could be that you’ve got sensory issues with texture, taste or smells, just finding certain foods overwhelming and maybe even disgusting.
In this episode of the Inside Knowledge podcast, I’m talking about ARFID, Avoidant Restrictive Feeding Intake Disorder, in IBS. You’ll learn how to identify signs that you could benefit from some extra help with managing this type of eating and what you can do next.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.42 – IBS mistakes – IBS podcast

How do you know if you’re making your IBS worse with all your interventions? In this episode of the Inside Knowledge podcast, I’ll be sharing the top 10 mistakes I see my clients making, even if you feel like you know all the tricks in the book. Sometimes you might start taking a supplement, avoiding a certain food, or changing the way you eat, and these things might seem helpful at first, but may actually end up contributing to your symptoms like bloating, excessive gas, reflux, or constipation or diarrhoea.
Not all of these things in this episode are going to apply to you, but you might just find one of these mistakes and correcting the way you’re dealing with them is the first step in getting better digestion.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep 41 – How self care was a turning point in IBS

Sometimes when I meet someone before we’ve started working together, the things I think are going to be important actually turn out to be something quite different.
And this episode is a good example of that. The same applies to some of my clients. Some of the things that they think are most important and take up all of their brain space are actually not the things that are going to drive the biggest improvement to their irritable bowel symptoms. In this episode, we’ll talk a lot about how to gain weight with IBS and how to change your approach to eating in order to get better digestion.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.40 – Eating well with SIBO: Understanding SIBO Diets

What should you eat when you’ve got SIBO? This question is very confusing, so I thought I’ll dedicate a whole episode to explaining a bit more about what to eat when you’ve got SIBO, what should you eat when you’re going through treatment, and what to do longer term when you’re trying to get back to a maintenance diet.
Should you go low FODMAP and cut out all the fermentable fibres or do you need to go even further and go on one of the strict SIBO diets to remove all carbohydrates? If you’re struggling with small intestine bacterial overgrowth and just no clue about what to eat, going from one diet to another, I hope this episode will give you some answers.

Ep.48 – Breathing for IBS

Ep.39 – Weight Loss & IBS – challenges

Are you trying to lose weight with IBS but really struggling because whatever you eat just seems to set off your digestive symptoms like bloating, rushing to the loo and feeling pretty terrible? There are lots of reasons why it’s harder to lose weight with IBS and in this episode I’m going to talk through some of the reasons that are additional to IBS that might also be making it much harder including why diet foods aren’t always the best if you’ve got a sensitive digestion, what about meal timing and does that make a difference to weight loss, and then talk through some other complications like your hunger hormones that can be different in people who’ve got IBS.

Welcome to the podcast for people with IBS

Reclaim your life and get back to the things you love, without spending endless hours on the toilet. Free your mind from worrying about embarrassing symptoms or what to eat for your next meal.


Welcome to the IBS Podcast

Your go-to resource for managing your symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

If you’re tired of missing social events, being scared of farting at work, and spending hours in the bathroom this will help. 

I hope this podcast gives you more digestive knowledge and tools to take back control of your life, one episode at a time.

Living with IBS can be challenging. The bloating, excessive gas, and stomach cramps aren’t something you need to live with.

The inside knowledge about your digestion

IBS affects millions of people worldwide, and its symptoms can be as diverse as the individuals it affects. Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed or have been dealing with IBS for years, 

What you need to know

  • Episodes are kept short – no ongoing chat about my pets or holidays! 
  • Topics cover gut-friendly nutrition, effective symptom management, and ways to enhance your overall quality of life.
  • Based on latest research, time-tested techniques, and my clinical experience over 8 years of practice. 

So, whether you’re tuning in during your daily commute, while cooking, or out walking the dog, this IBS Podcast is your companion towards better digestion for everyone! 

Anna Mapson IBS nutritionist smiling, wearing a leopard print t shirt and blue jeans leaning in front of a kitchen background

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