a gold yellow background, the words Inside Knowledge for people with IBS, a small simplified sketch of a gut, and photo of Anna Mapson, a white woman smiling, with short cropped grey hair and a quiff, wearing glasses and a black top.

IBS Podcast

The Inside Knowledge Podcast for people with IBS

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with IBS or a long-time sufferer, the Inside Knowledge on IBS nutrition and lifestyle will help. Each episode is around 20 mins, no waffle, just full of useful IBS diet strategies.

The aim of the podcast is Better digestion for everyone. 

Anna Mapson, podcast host

Inside Knowledge for people with IBS

Listen to the intro trailer here or wherever you get your podcasts.

I’m excited to have been included as a Top UK Nutrition podcast by Feedspot

Gold medal saying Top UK Nutrition Podcast Feedspot.

Latest Episodes

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Are you fed up of trying to lose weight and feeling frustrated that your healthy food is just triggering IBS symptoms? It can feel, to most of my clients, like typical weight loss advice is telling you to eat food that just makes you feel bloated, gives you stomach aches, or sends you running to the toilet all day.
I work with people who’ve got IBS, and typically some of these also want to lose weight. So I help them resolve digestive issues alongside a diet plan. Now this episode won’t be suitable for everybody, maybe you don’t want to lose weight, maybe you’re the opposite and you actually need to gain weight. I will be coming to that later in the year, but this episode and the next This next one is going to be about how to lose weight with IBS.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.37 – what CAN you eat on a low-FODMAP diet?

Why is it so hard to know what to eat with IBS? Especially when there is actually a lot of information about the low FODMAP diet and other diets online. That’s exactly what I’m going to cover in this episode of The Inside Knowledge. I’d like to give you a bit of inspiration for cooking some new things, getting back to enjoying eating again, but also avoiding the dreaded bloat. You’ll learn which foods are low FODMAP and how to build a tasty meal. Some flavour tricks to make your IBS diet the best it can be and why getting out of a restricted diet is best for IBS.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.36 – Case study Perimenopause digestive chaos – IBS podcast

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work with me? I’m going to go through some mini case studies of some of my clients to show you exactly what it’s like. To be part of my Group Gut Reset. Hopefully it will give you an idea of the types of solutions I provide for people. The types of people who actually reach out and want to work with a nutritionist for their IBS or other gut health issues.
As well as key supplements I’ve used, the exact things I’ve helped them reintroduce with their diet, and specifically, how they have found the process. So what kind of reactions did they have to the suggestions that I made, and what kind of results. were they able to achieve? I hope this will give you a good insight into how I work with people.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.35 – How to spot Nutrition Nonsense online – IBS podcast

When I was learning to be a nutritionist, alongside my studies, I spent time reading nutrition blogs, social media accounts specialising in health. Now, I’m much more experienced, and many of these same social media accounts make my blood boil. Instead of helping me learn, they actually make me want to scream!
I can now see how manipulative many of these accounts are, and today, I want to help you identify how to spot people who don’t know what they’re talking about in online nutrition space. In this episode of The Inside Knowledge, I’ll share key phrases to watch out for so you can navigate your own social media feeds.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.34 – Best diet for constipation – IBS podcast

Would you like to get more regular bowel movements? Maybe you want to be rid of hard, pebbly poos that just make you feel like it hasn’t all come out. Or it could be that you’re suffering with painful haemorrhoids and you’re scared to go to the toilet. You will find out my process for dealing with constipation in my clients and you’ll also learn my basic tick list of actions to go through when you feel like things are starting to slow down. We’ll talk about diet and what you can eat and I’ll also cover laxatives and other supplements you can take to get things moving.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.33 – Causes of constipation – IBS podcast

Why is it so hard to tackle constipation? Especially when you’re trying to eat more fibre, but it just leaves you feeling bloated and even more stuck. That’s exactly what I’ll be sharing in this episode of The Inside Knowledge. Constipation can be a real challenge to shift, and it is not just as easy as drinking more water.
You’ll learn in this episode of the different types of constipation from slow transit time to pelvic floor dysfunction I’ll be covering common causes of constipation from different medication diet and other health conditions And I’ll share why women are more than twice as likely to get it compared to men.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.32 – IBS Case Study – Tony’s Transformation

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work with me? I’m going to go through some mini case studies of some of my clients to show you exactly what it’s like to be part of my gut reset. Hopefully it will give you an idea of the types of solutions I provide for people. The types of people who actually reach out and want to work with a nutritionist for their IBS or other gut health issues. As well as key supplements I’ve used, the exact things I’ve helped them reintroduce with their diet. And specifically, how they have found the process. So what kind of reactions did they have to the suggestions that I made? And what kind of results were they able to achieve? I hope this will give you a good insight into how I work with people.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.31 Supplements for SIBO – IBS Podcast

If you’re someone who’s got SIBO, you are probably well versed in all the different supplements and ways of treating SIBO. I find most people who have Small intestine bacterial overgrowth have done a lot of research and really understood this condition But it can be incredibly confusing to see all the different potential products What order should you take them in?
Do you need a prokinetic? Do you need a probiotic? What about prebiotics? And what kind of antimicrobial treatment should you use to try and address the overgrowth of microbes in your small intestine?

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.24 Are abnormal eating patterns making your IBS worse?

Could your eating patterns be affecting your digestive issues? Or even causing them in the first place? The way you eat can have a huge impact on your gut health. not just about the food that you eat. Sometimes how you’re eating can be the thing that is causing you to have worse IBS. Today, I’ll share some ways that disordered eating practices can be affecting your gut.
I’m not talking about having an eating disorder. That requires specialist management. But in this episode of The Inside Knowledge, I’ll share how abnormal eating might be making things worse for your bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea. And when I say abnormal eating patterns, what does normal eating even mean? Let’s find out.

Ep.38 – IBS & weight loss: a battle of the diets

Ep.23 IBS and dietary fats – how fat affects your digestion

Do you struggle to eat fatty meals? Maybe you feel it sets off your dash to the toilet, or you just feel really nauseous and like food sits really heavy in your stomach for hours after eating. It’s not 100 percent clear what the link is between IBS and high fat meals that’s what we will explore today on this episode of the Inside Knowledge, I’ll run through the difference between healthy fats and fats to reduce in our diet, as well as how to improve fat digestion, and we’ll cover how fats might be affecting your IBS. I’ll also briefly talk about bile acid malabsorption, which is a common cause of diarrhoea predominant IBS.

Welcome to the podcast for people with IBS

Reclaim your life and get back to the things you love, without spending endless hours on the toilet. Free your mind from worrying about embarrassing symptoms or what to eat for your next meal.


Welcome to the IBS Podcast

Your go-to resource for managing your symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

If you’re tired of missing social events, being scared of farting at work, and spending hours in the bathroom this will help. 

I hope this podcast gives you more digestive knowledge and tools to take back control of your life, one episode at a time.

Living with IBS can be challenging. The bloating, excessive gas, and stomach cramps aren’t something you need to live with.

The inside knowledge about your digestion

IBS affects millions of people worldwide, and its symptoms can be as diverse as the individuals it affects. Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed or have been dealing with IBS for years, 

What you need to know

  • Episodes are kept short – no ongoing chat about my pets or holidays! 
  • Topics cover gut-friendly nutrition, effective symptom management, and ways to enhance your overall quality of life.
  • Based on latest research, time-tested techniques, and my clinical experience over 8 years of practice. 

So, whether you’re tuning in during your daily commute, while cooking, or out walking the dog, this IBS Podcast is your companion towards better digestion for everyone! 

Anna Mapson IBS nutritionist smiling, wearing a leopard print t shirt and blue jeans leaning in front of a kitchen background

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